Trustee Meeting Minutes June 2024

June 13, 2024

Gay-Kimball Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Trustees: Colleen Brennan, Kristan Tilton, Steve Obert; Staff: Pilar Goodell, Director; Public: None

Call to Order 5:34pm

  • KT made a motion to approve the minutes from MAY 2024. CB 2nd. All were in favor.
  • PG discussed May numbers (door count, computer usage, Libby, take and makes, story time etc.).
  • Discussed current figures in library bank accounts.
    • Re: Petty cash, Pilar will take to the bank. PG confirmed all petty cash is registered in Square. Moving fwd, treasurer will reconcile Square account.
    • SO made a motion to move Fines account to checking. CB 2nd. All voted in favor.
  • Old Business:
    • CB confirmed that all trustees must meet at TD bank to sign the signature card. CB will make a reservation for 20JUN.
    • Elevator: All set and no further discussion at this time.
    • Beyond the Bell: Working out a schedule to come to the library.
  • New Business:
    • PG is working on two grants after attending the Cheshire County grant writing course.
    • PG is working on uploading the Trustee meeting minutes to the library website. Will reach out to Colleen to recover any missing meeting minutes.
    • PG is working on uploading Troy Communicator. She will see if she can find out who bound the copies before. 
    • SO will looking getting left over maintenance costs into muni-trust to account for when more substantial maintenance is needed.
    • Trustees of the Trust Funds have requested original trust documents to review stipulations.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:73pm. Next meeting: 11JUL 2024