July 11, 2024
Gay-Kimball Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Trustees: Colleen Brennan, Kristan Tilton, Steve Obert; Staff: Not Available Public: None
Call to Order 5:35pm
KT made a motion to approve the minutes from JUN 2024. CB 2 nd . All were in favor.
Trustees reviewed and discussed JUN numbers (door count, computer usage, Libby, take and
makes, story time etc.).
Discussed current figures in library bank accounts.
o It looks like PG was able to deposit the petty cash. CB will ensure it was registered in Square
and reconcile accounts. She will try to reconcile accounts next week.
Old Business:
o CB still needs to move the fine account to the Checking account.
o PG confirmed hardcopy TTN missing (KT will ask the newsletter team if they have kept
any of these)
NOV & DEC 2021
MAR, OCT, NOV & DEC 2022
MAR & MAY 2023
o PG confirmed minutes missing 4/23, 10/23, 11/23, 12/23, 1/24, 3/24. PG is asking how
far they need to go back and how long they should be up. SO will into this.
o SO suggested that he will sign the approved minutes moving forward and that will be
the copy that is uploaded.
o SO will look into getting leftover maintenance costs into muni-trust to account for when
more substantial maintenance is needed. (this will happen closer to budget season)
o Trustees of the Trust Funds have requested original trust documents to review
stipulations. KT gave a brief history of the Trust Funds and the Trustees of the Trust
Funds are working on developing a formula so that the disbursement money is spenk
according to Trust stipulations.
o Summer reading prizes: Traditionally donated by the Rotary Club. The bikes are
generally <$100/each. PG will continue to investigate donations or let KT know if there
is someone she can think of to call. The trustees will keep thinking on who to reach out
to for donation.
New Business:
o Fundraising for storytime book – PG would like ~$100 to purchase a copy of the book for
all participating authors. SO makes a motion to use $100 from existing funds for the
purchase, as it benefits the program. KT seconded the motion. All in favor.
o Programming updates – not provided as PG was not available for the meeting
o SO mentioned that he reviewed the budget with PG and looked up the cost of ceiling
tiles. He estimates that it would be around $500 for new ceiling tiles for the conference
room. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:13pm. Next meeting: 01AUG2024 5:30pm