Call to Order 5:30pm
No public comments
Prior minutes approval TBD – (Kristan took notes for prior meeting due to Colleen’s absence)
Reports: See attached agenda for Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report:
Door count is continuing to trend upwards. Circulation remains average. Computer usage saw an
increase, in part due to federal taxes being due in April. Digital downloads remain steady and overdues
are low.
In-House Programs:
Take and Makes continue to be doing well. Easter Egg Hunt and Escape Room were both very well
received. It was discussed the winter vacation timeframe would be a great time to do another since it’s
an ideal time for an indoor activity.
Old Business:
Escape room reflection: was a hit but takes time to build activities and gather supplies. Had the benefit
of a grant to fund this one. Discussed possible options including offering sponsorship opportunities to
local businesses. Possible tiered options- i.e.- sponsor one table/activity vs sponsor the entire escape
room. Also discussed perhaps involving the older grades in Beyond the Bell afterschool program with
assisting in the designing.
New Library Card Rollout: new cards being sent out to patrons inviting them to use them.
Library Budget: Discussion was had regarding impacting of halting trust fund disbursements. Kristan
received clarification on balance and Jen provided figures on the impact the library’s purchasing ability
without those funds. As a result a motion was made by Richard to rescind the prior request to cancel the
trust fund disbursement. Colleen seconded, and all were in favor.
New Business:
Future Programming- as mentioned earlier, discussed a winter escape room. Also discussed a possible
book buddy program with veterans through the American Legion.
Book sale- discussed trustee assistance with book sale prep and clean up.
Fundraising was also discussed. It was also suggested that the town be contacted to update the town’s
website which still has Catherine’s name listed for the library director. Kristan also mentioned adding to
an Amazon wishlist for the library as we would get occasional donations from the wishlist.
Meeting adjourned at 6:13pm