Call to Order 5:40pm
Attending: Richard Thackston, Kristan Tilton, Colleen Brennan
Treasurer Report Reviewed
Library Director’s Report Reviewed
Door count going up. Year in review- 2022- 85 new patrons, pre pandemic level
Programming- 37 take n’ makes; discussed promotion ahead of snow storms (expected snow days)
Discussed the take your kid to the library day
Staffing Update- Erin working Tu/We/Th and some Sat
Patron Offerings- discussed museum passes; discussed possible donation letter
Large Print- considering change of distributor. Waiting on quote but appears it would be a lower cost
provider. Fewer titles but circulation on low side anyway so no major impact expected.
Revisited Dolly Parton Imag Library- need 501c3 status, sponsor
Thinking ahead-
Focus on addressing pandemic learning loss: literacy, social/emotional skills
Discussed arranging fun family events around books
Warrant articles
Reviewed bids from contractors.
KT: Motion to expand request to $10,000 for warrant article RT- Seconded. All were in favor.
Trust fund level discussed. Concerns too low. Needs time to replenish. But need to also assure sufficient
funding to library.
KT: Motion to cease distribution from trust fund as long as budget committee approval equal increase to
library budget. RT- seconded. All were in favor.
Next Mtg 3/1
Adjourned 6:20